Filing Compounded Prescriptions


Compounded prescriptions are formulated just for you. This is your unique requirement. The complex formulation needs to be filed in its original form to ensure the stability of treatment.

How does it work?

These are filed separately in personal folders kept in hard ring-binders. That means to you that you will receive exactly the same product each time we dispense it and ensures consistency of drug quality. Our purpose-built lab also ensures consistency of temperature and eliminates contamination potential.


It is essential that we keep exact records of your prescription formulation because Government regulations state this. The reason is that different pharmacies use different bases that may affect the absorption and their activity of your medication. We only use the top quality bases delivering known rates of absorption.

Benefit to you

This ensures that you receive exactly the same drug combination in your prescription each time you get it.


Our experts can help you identify and manage your health concerns using modern, safe and effective techniques.

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