Dose Administration Aids - Free service

Pharmacist-packed, weekly changed blister medication packs, separated into up to four possible dosage periods per day if needed.

How does it work?

Our trained pharmacists will pack your weekly dosage schedule into separate dosage bubbles for each meal time of the day and each day of the week. Your medication pack is then double checked by another pharmacist.


Suitable for busy people as well as those who are a little forgetful, this easy-to-use system will ensure that you take that all important, regular medication without missing a beat.

Benefits to you

Missing some medications may produce an adverse response – it may make you feel unwell. Remember, most medication has dramatic effects in keeping you well, so missing a dose is a double edged sword.

Also this system gives dosage the flexibility of taking medications, as well as vitamin/mineral or other supplements on a trip.

Frequency and flexibility

The dosage changes can be made at any time in an emergency, but usually when you have either a Medscheck or Home Medication review.


Our experts can help you identify and manage your health concerns using modern, safe and effective techniques.

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