Medscheck - free

Uncertain about what OTC medications that you can mix with your prescription medicine? Or if medicines that have been prescribed at different times may be clashing?

If so then you need a Medscheck.

What is a Medscheck?

This is an overview of all the medication that you might be taking – whether the medication is prescribed by a doctor or if you purchase medications over the counter – either in a pharmacy or supermarket, garage etc.

So, ask our pharmacist to give you a comprehensive overview via our free Medscheck service.

How does it work?

You simply ask the pharmacist to “go over your “scripts”. The process does not take long for a thorough of your prescriptions. The pharmacist then fives you a report to take back to your doctor. If there are significant issues, the pharmacist may recommend to your doctor that we do a Home Medication Review.


This is an important Government-subsidised service, designed to keep you free of side effects if taking multiple medications – whether on prescription or personally purchased over the counter.

Benefit to you

The benefit to you is that we can ensure that you are not accidentally doubling up on medications – or indeed if one has been accidentally overlooked. The majority of hospital admissions in most countries are due to medication errors. But not for our customers!

So, this reduces your chances of a medication error – hopefully to zero! According to reports, a high percentage of hospital admissions annually is due to medication errors and/or side effects of medications – including over the counter medications.




Our experts can help you identify and manage your health concerns using modern, safe and effective techniques.

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