Opening Your Tired Eyes to Sleep Apnoea
Sleep-disordered breathing affects about 30% of the adult population, making it as widespread as Type II diabetes or asthma. Despite this, awareness of Sleep Apnoea is low. Up to 90% of suffers remain undiagnosed and untreated.
We stock the major brands and their replacement equipment because collectively, they are committed to increasing the education and awareness of the serious health consequences of untreated sleep-disordered breathing among doctors and the general public alike in over 65 countries.
It’s time to promote the awareness and treatment of sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea. Ms Kirsty Wade, Sleep Apnoea CPAP consultant, says that people with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea regularly stop breathing through the night. This can last for 60 seconds or more and can happen several hundred times a night. Every time your brain realises it isn’t getting enough oxygen, it alerts your body to almost wake up briefly and start breathing again voluntarily. This means that your brain will not obtain full benefit from sleep and cannot “recharge” its alertness “batteries”.
You are not likely to remember this happening but will feel extremely tired the next day. The condition affects your quality of life and puts your body through a lot of stress every night. Symptoms of Sleep Apnoea include:
- falling asleep at the wheel of the car or at the lights,
- in front of the telly or in meetings,
- waking up tired,
- suffering morning headaches,
- being grumpy,
- feeling lethargic and having little mental or physical energy.
You don’t have to snore to have Sleep Apnoea! If you think you or your patient might suffer from this serious condition, email us or phone on: (02) 9420 4959 and get all the information you need to take the next step. Don’t hesitate. “nodding off” at the wheel is a potential consequence and this alone costs hundreds of lives annually.
Somnomed and MyTap mandibular splint (to advance lower jaw)
Costing up to $300 for the top model, this device as an active mouthguard. It may prevent snoring by holding your lower jaw in place. It can be set to your own configuration and is helpful in many cases.
Phil and Jan Wade, The Wellness Chemists 152 Burns Bay Rd, Lane Cove
Ph: 9420 4959 | Fax: 9418 6846
C.P.A.P. Sleep APNOEA equipment
Sales and Consultations
All models of machines and masks stocked and serviced
The Lane Cove Wellness Centre is an accredited outlet for Fisher & Paykel, Respironics, Transcend and AM.
Now…two month’s FREE* trial on any machine you choose to hire!
Simply leave us a deposit and we’ll support you through your rental period and beyond. When you purchase your machine your full deposit is refunded!
We offer friendly, experienced and personal one on one educational sessions with expert mask fitting and machine selection advice. We stock all brands of masks and machines. We have the ability to give you an unbiased opinion on the best equipment for your needs. This means you have the full range to choose from in the one spot! There are no consultation or set up fees!
For choice, expert advice on setup, usage and ongoing support, we are the people to see. For our customers, we provide:
FREE data downloads on all brands
FREE ongoing consultations and advice
FREE Tubing with your machine
FREE* trial for two months if you purchase a machine. A small fee only applies if you choose not to proceed.
*Please see ask our friendly staff for the full terms and conditions that apply
# 1.8m tube is supplied free of charge with each machine purchased
Call 02 9420 4959 or
Where are we?
On the corner of Ross Smith Parade
Adjoined to Wade’s Chemist (30 years of service to the local community)
1 km past the main Lane Cove Village Shops, opposite the Agora
Fax or Email your prescription to us. We can then send your equipment if you choose to proceed from distance. However, there are benefits to you if you arrive in person. These are mainly in the fitting of the mask and the “hands-on” learning of the machine’s operation.